• Sovereignty and conservatism are dangerous ideas that need to be eradicated. Sovereignty has to be demonized, and the concept of separate cultures built on distinct beliefs has to be equated with evil by future generations.
  • Our “good old boys’ club” runs the western world’s money distribution for us. Our clearinghouse is the Bank of International Settlements. It was established in 1930 to collect and distribute Germany’s World War I reparation payments. It started as a commercial bank with publicly held shares and immunity from government interference and taxes. All its depositors are central banks with publicly held shares and exemptions from government interference and taxes. Our Money Runners determine the daily interest rates, credit availability, and the banks’ money supply in their countries. Membership includes the U.S. Federal Reserve governors, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, and the German Bundesbank. We control a bank with a $40 billion pile of cash, government securities, and gold. This amounts to one-tenth of the world’s available foreign exchange. The profits earned from renting out our hoard of gold (second only to Fort Knox’s value) are huge. We aim to coordinate and control all economic activities in the industrialized world. We use the BIS as our Chinese wall to mask our transactions. We pay off the politicians to keep our money renters invisible.
  • Financial capitalism in private hands creates a worldwide economic control system. Our money runners are in control of this global system. Agreements are made in secret through conferences and meetings. Our Bank for International Settlements (BIS Bank of International Settlements) is our financial clearinghouse. We own and control privately held settlement banks and the world’s central banks. Through our global banking network, we handle governmental money needs. We provide for the financial needs of governments and private corporations. We influence cooperative politicians and reward qualified businesses. Open borders provide us with a surplus of inexpensive labor.
  • Globally, we achieve polarization through racial and religious class warfare. Chaos breeds opportunity. Byron is extremely good at provoking class warfare. We eliminate all opposition leaders rising against us. We do it with malice and forethought. Variety and choice must be removed from our environment for globalism to work. Numerous principles will have to be erased from the public consciousness. Our goal of a single-world culture is the pinnacle principle for humanity. Borders are no longer needed because no other code is superior to ours. Separate and different ideals are to be eliminated. They are anathema to our elites.
  • Religions and spirituality must be erased worldwide. The concept of self-reliance is unacceptable; total reliance on the state is the only requirement.
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Vern Bender