The scientists from Freud forward have misunderstood the sub-conscious brain. Freud made things up, and science validated his stories as facts. Freud only cared about treating the negative side of the subconscious brain. He made up conclusions and called them facts. He was tuned up on cocaine the whole time. He scammed the facts. Science, almost two centuries ago, said demonic possession was a joke. Freud, Jung, and the rest said the subconscious was the cause of it all. Religion needs to catch up. Demons were deemed not to exist. No Devils here was the slickest trick the devil ever pulled off. The scientific community dictated that those who believed in that hocus pocus were dull and slow at best. Lucifer tricked scientists with the greatest of ease. After all, scientists are always the most intelligent people in every room you see. In their minds, they are on a perch above all the rest. Religious beliefs are for the unwashed masses.
Why are marks always black, anyway?
The conscious mind interacts with the subconscious mind on a random basis. Thoughts go back and forth. Repressed ideas bubble up and down. Evil can access the subconscious mind with ease. The subconscious is the mind’s basement; part of it is a garbage bin. Evil thoughts go there to die or not. It is yours to decide. You send the evil thoughts to the basement of your mind; if they bubble up again, you send them back down again. When the devil is always suggesting evil things to you, push that thought or action back down to your mind’s basement garbage bin one more time again. You get to decide; it is a binary choice. There is a mystic, vaporous atmosphere floating within your mind. It processes and submits decisions to your consciousness. Use and stow away the positive ideas and discard the rest.
Imagination and known thought can’t account for all happenstance. Good and evil intercede at will until every thought and action is transacted; the final decision is yours. Demonic deceptions are many before your decision or action is completed. Be strong when you act or decide.
Cathartic episodes don’t always liberate; misery and pain are still around. Therapeutic responses are only a temporary fix. You can chase anxiety away, but it always comes back another day. Doing good is the reward you have been looking for. Fear and stress lower the tolerance for change. Chronic upheaval has become the new normal.
Please pay attention to your intuition; it is better than you think. Be open and aware of what is being said to you. Build your good ideas into structures in your mind. The virtue of human tolerance needs to be improved. Efficacious Grace is what you’re looking for. Humans are born tabla rasa; culture does the shaping.
Negative notions are pushed into our psyches by exterior forces. Don’t let the bastards get you down. Traumatic behavior often shows up after the fact. Science doesn’t study the positive side of your mind; it can’t make money from positivity. The big money is earned from mental illness and the dark side of your mind. Heal yourself, instead. Self-nurture the positive side of your mind—a bunch of the best, and the hell with the rest. Correct and incorrect ideas arrive for review. Always check and verify before you make up your mind. Likes and dislikes aren’t always right.
Goodwill, charity, and love go hand in hand, don’t you see?
Vern Bender