The New Left is a hodge podge of loosely organized, primarily white student movements, anarchists, ANTIFA, BLM, ghetto community organizers, leftover 1960s black and white protest groups, and assorted counter-cultural malcontents. Academia has brainwashed all of them. Academia has taught them that the American political system is corrupt. The New Left must lead a violent American government overthrow. Academia demands a revolution.
Their goals are freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform, and internationalism/globalism. The end game of The New Left is a One World Government controlled by them.
The first objective of the New Left is to take your wealth away. Next, they want to remove your dignity and self-respect. After that, you are owned by them. Bryon Slick and Binkie Binkerton have been in charge of the New Left’s war machine for over a decade. Everything is done covertly. Bryon and Binkie’s fingerprints appear on none of the war machine’s efforts. Stealth and duplicity are the names of their game. They have America on the ropes, and America is clueless about its fate. When America wakes up, it will be too late. Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and Castro are the patron saints of the New Left. They were the right kind of killers. They are honored and revered by the New Left. Bryon and Binkie want to be like them. Bryon is the master puppeteer of the movement. Bryon pulls the strings of power, using the politicians as his dummies.
Universities are the breeding grounds for the New Left. Bryon and Binkie were community organizers when they started their revolutionary careers.
The New Left’s history goes like this:
In the 1950s, Greenwich Village had the Beatniks reciting poetry in coffee houses. They went away. The Hippies came around after that. The Vietnam War gave them a cause that grew into a global movement. Civil rights was another rallying cry. Black Power came along with its Power To The People demand. The SDS produced The Port Huron Manifesto, and the counter-culture movement was off to the races. Overthrowing the government became job number one. Bryon and Binkie joined the effort early on. Today, they secretly lead the New Left’s revolutionary movement from behind. Bryon is the master puppeteer of America’s political system. He sits in the bunker on his estate and manipulates America into its inevitable demise. Bryon always remains invisible while he takes America down.
The New Left evolved from the Old Left of the 1960s and 1070s. Disillusionment of Old-style Soviet Marxist Communism was replaced with a new focus on cultural and social-economic problems. Today’s New Left includes anarchists, communists, socialists, democratic socialists, social democrats, left-libertarians, progressives, and social liberals. The New Left’s player roster has expanded dramatically. Together, they are building an anti-capitalist electoral coalition. The New Left wants to install an alternative economic system. The focus of the New Left is a broad range of social issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, rejection of gender roles, and drug policy reforms.
Binkie Binkerton and Bryon Slick are the sub-rosa leaders of the New Left movement.
They are running six secret American Revolutions the Alinsky way. You will never see them coming until it is too late. Saul is saluting them from his perch in Hell.
My friend, the end game is close at hand.
Vern Bender