• Folks you treat unkindly will pay you no mind. Payback’s a bitch, you know. Dark times will engulf you until the midnight hour.
  • Night-time terrors always stop by, long about midnight. They stay until the morning light.
  • It would be best to think twice before you scorn randomly on the street. Wasted words die before they are born.
  • The Huns will hunt you down; they seek prey without ceasing. The Huns ride fast and shoot straight.
  • Today, lies are an art form. It is okay to lie to others but never lie to yourself. Cheating is no longer wrong.
  • When things change, the better doesn’t always win.
  • The rich know early on that money buys them superiority. Being better is their birthright.
  • Your existence is meaningless to them. Culture is slip-sliding into the stupor of empty dreams and pretended values. Civilization is steadily drifting into the sewers of life.
  • Fools are becoming more ordinary each day as dullness surrounds you.
  • Lucidity isn’t allowed anymore—the ubiquity of offensive and repugnant people is overtaking you. Avoiding them is impossible now. Escape is no longer an option.
  • Survival of the unfit is the new normal now.
  • The dying night turns into the morning light. Your dreams are swept away as a new beginning is on the way. Free to choose what you do. Wasted time is not easily found again.
  • The memory-ghosts of past events are always with you. They show up on a sporadic basis, both during the day and late at night. The horror of their night music does not quickly fade away. Unbroken sorrow is the name of their game. Don’t allow them to move you to the far side of normalcy.
  • The illusion of the reality you see is only part of the totality of its existence. The majority of reality is hidden from your view.
  • Evil is constantly seeking souls to destroy. It is hard to have solace when you are standing on the edge of crazy. Comprising and settlements are no longer available to you. It is easy to see that nothing is sacred in the world today.
  • Seeing with clarity has never been an option.
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Vern Bender