Reality is made of geometric information. Our consciousness decides what we are looking at. Our interpretive, perceptive, and subjective choices dictate what we see. Reality only exists when we see it. Conscious awareness is required to see reality. Consciousness is both emergent and fundamental. In its fundamental form, consciousness exists inside every tetrahedron/pixel in the 3D quasicrystal as viewing vectors. We actualize reality by making ultra-fast, Planck scale choices about the binary states of the pixels. This fundamental level of consciousness drives the boat. Our emergent consciousness develops free will systems that self-organize. The mind is derived from the brain, and consciousness is the recording mechanism. This complex system is designed to be isomorphic with the brain so that experience can be isomorphic with the brain’s activity. The organization of our brain’s neurons creates consciousness and the array of systems that participate.
Awareness is not consciousness. Free will is not a single process; multi-complex systems are involved. It emerges from the collective self-organization of multi-cells in the brain, using information from many brain areas. Our emergent consciousness is a complex-systems aggregation. Consciousness is individualized. There is no collective, interacting, universal consciousness. Experimental proof for that is zero. Emergent consciousness compares new information with stored information and decides what to keep and what gets dismissed.
This geometric reality surrounds us with every breath we take. When we breathe no more, this reality is no more. The consciousness that retains perception is what The Event Originator is collecting.
Everything on the Planck scale is built in the shape of a geometric tetrahedron. A tetrahedron is a pyramid on a triangular base. ( The bottom of a tetrahedron is an equilateral triangle, and other triangular faces are isosceles triangles.) The Planck length is as short as it gets. This verifies that reality is pixelated—Ditto for space-time. There is no evidence for smooth, only pixelated. Reality at the Planck level is a language code.
Pixelation does the build-out of matter in the form of tetrahedrons. The E8 Lattice mechanism at the Planck scale unifies all four fundamental forces. A geometric code causes pixelation. The patterns are formed by an eight-sided crystal shape that creates a design. This becomes the 8B Lattice. The E8 Lattice produces a second shape in 4 D, which morphs into a 3D shape, and reality is born to be perceived by us. The E8 geometric code allows a 3D code to form, and reality is born out of the 4D product. The 8E transformation into its 4D counterpart ratio is 0.618. 3D reality comes out of that. The syntax of the 3D language can be free-formed and ongoing. 0.618 is known as the Golden Ratio. 0.618, like 137, appears all over the universe. They underpin everything.
The Golden Ratio and the number 137 created, built, and operated the universe from the Big Bang until now. For example, 0.618 is where a black hole turns positive to negative. Among other things,137 handed out assignments for all of the constants. 137 governs electrons doing quantum orbit leaps. There would be no carbon without 137. One hundred thirty-seven stands for one trinitarian completion. 137 has zero dimensions. One hundred thirty-seven ties all particle and force fields together. 137 is the constant that ties all other constants together. The intensity of particle couplings moves up and down depending on the energy level. 137 and the Golden Ratio originate from the fundamental level of physics and then move to the operational quantum level of physics. Together, they control what lies beneath the classic level of physics. 137 and the Golden Ratio are the first movers of physics.
Time moves in rigid frames that are always on the move. Each frame is different. The past and the future influence each other. Each moment is self-created and is influenced by history as it moves into the future. Energy, matter, and thought are all information-driven.
The Causality feedback loop. There is a constant, dynamic, causality loop relationship between all moments in time. One variable affects a second variable, which involves a third variable, and the third one affects the first. Everything emerges from the loop. The past influences the future, and the future impacts the past.
Quantum Mechanics was found using math from the matrix theory. A matrix is a rectangular arrangement of numbers into rows and columns. Space-time is smooth until It warps under the strain of energy and matter. After that, surface pixelation shows up. Away from mass, space-time remains smooth. Gauge symmetry transformation is the process that happens when fundamental particles and forces are combined. There are two types of symmetry lines, vertical and horizontal. A gauge field theory is a particular type of quantum field theory. Particles transform into one another. The exchange of vector bosons mediates this interaction of matter fields via force fields.
Quantum Mechanics uses only binary matrices, i.e., combinations of two numbers. (All things are triune, with binary interactives.) Human cells don’t make choices on their own. The fundamental-quantum software does the deciding. Awareness doesn’t just show up; the E8 software program grows awareness by installing it into your consciousness.
Randomness, unguided or not, can’t write code or successfully operate within a code. Randomness couldn’t even build a bobsled. The Big Bang had a code built into it to create, build, and operate a universe. Also, a code that will produce the required consciousness in humans. Consciousness does not need to be collective or universal. Only individuals are required.
There is no multiverse. The Event Originator creates only one universe at a time. He makes Universes that self-destruct in due time. He creates the next one when it becomes necessary.
The Event Originator wrote the creation codes and installed them. His creation software still runs the show today. It is a triune software package; it creates, operates, and maintains our universe. Beyond good and evil is only good. He is in the process of getting things back to where they once belonged. He is only replacing the third of the hosts that were lost.
Maybe you won’t be cut.
Vern Bender