• (They are coming for your wealth.)
    • They have moved on up. Binkie, the elitist white boy, and Bryon, the mixed-race island boy, have become showrunners. They are running the windmills and sunshine program within the World Economic Form. Their vessel is the Great Reset Plan. Their show-running program is within the WEF’s Bring Down America umbrella. You’re not in Indonesia anymore, Bryon. Their environmental, social, and governance programs dictate investment choices. The program’s sub-rosa objectives are to erode, dilute, and destroy your wealth. Byron and Binkie have made careers out of running scams to take wealth away from Americans. Now, they are running the money scam of the century. The Great Reset is not new but premised on old and dangerous ideologies.
    • WEF and its Great Reset Plan want you to invest money in green programs and companies. Their Great Reset plan is converting targeted major corporations into go-green entities. This is a sub-rosa takeover. Remember, you will never see the Alinsky-Lenin cartel coming until too late. What the WEF says about their plans is propaganda. What they decide to do in their private conferences is the takedown plan for America.
    • Their ESG plan is funding the WINDMILLS AND SUNSHINE, CLIMATE -CHANGE AGENDA. After controlling your investment money, they will take the rest of your money from you through taxes. Remember, the New Left is a bridge to Socialism, and Communism follows that. 
      • Bryon and Binkie are installing the ideology of woke capitalism as they infiltrate large corporations. As always, they take their cut up front.
      • They establish a connection between a cashless society and their Great Reset Plan. This allows them to skim money directly off the top.
      • They push for environmental justice via their Great Reset Plan, and the money rolls in.
      • Their Great Reset Plan moves American money to China, and they use our money for a better purpose.
      • Their Great Reset Plan aims to establish a Chinese-style economy in America. American production costs are globally competitive. The American economy must be destroyed from within before its Chinese model is implemented. Cheap foreign labor must flood into our open Southern border. All American wages will then be cut by at least half. After that, the made-in-America program is back in place.
      • It is critical to keep it all hidden from the useful American idiots. They must be kept in the dark until our plan’s critical mass has been reached. Binkie and Bryon will continue to issue public, perfunctory statements on windmills, sunshine, and lollipops. Binkie, the elite white boy, and Bryon, the island boy, plan secretly at Smokey Joe’s Cafe in the back room.
      • Their model calls for profitable monopolies for the state runs on top and Socialism for the majority below.
      • The consequences of the pandemic have exacerbated the climate and social crises already underway. The Great Reset of our economic and social systems is most urgent. The virus pandemic is almost over. China must release a newly minted gain of function virus ASAP to keep the death rate at warp speed. Scaring the Hell out of the general populace is still job number one. We must keep the borders open and the fentanyl flowing at even higher levels. We are killing off and addicting many of the best and brightest of the younger generation. Our objective of dumbing down the current generation is to stay on target.
      • New foundations for our economic and social systems are necessary to create a healthier, more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous world.
    • Three years ago, the World Economic Forum launched the Binkie and Bryon Great Reset initiative to transform the world economy. They are using greenwash-marketing tactics to lure in environmentally-conscious money. The Great Reset is not new but premised on old and dangerous ideologies. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. This will have serious long-term consequences for economic growth, public debt, employment, and human well-being. Global government debt has reached its highest level in peacetime. Their model calls for profitable monopolies for the state runs on top and Socialism for the majority below.
      Their model calls for profitable monopolies for the state runners on top and Socialism for the majority below.
    • Moreover, unemployment is skyrocketing in many countries. The International Monetary Fund expects the world economy to shrink by 3% this year. This is a downgrade of 6.3 percentage points in just four months. All of this will exacerbate the climate and social crises that were already underway. Some countries have already used up the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse to weaken our economy. The frustrations over social ills like rising wealth inequality are intensifying. The people’s right to rule themselves must be replaced with our brand of Socialism.
    • Once we convert America to our brand of Socialism, the rest of the globe will fall in line. China stays as is for now.
    • Finally, we will form a one-world government in a joint partnership with China.
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Vern Bender