- If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
- Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
- All moving bodies have a wave nature, i.e., it has properties of both particles and waves. It has a dual-core. The uncertainty principle isn’t a matter of measuring something accurately. Instead, combining a particle and wave function is the inevitable result. Since a subatomic particle has a wave nature, it has a De Broglie wavelength. Suppose an object is in motion. It is a particle. It has a position at a specific instant of time. A particle does not have a wavelength; it has a location in space. Before you measure it, the moving object has a dual nature. Reality drops when microscopic scales show up. When you measure one property accurately, you compromise the accuracy of the other property. Position and momentum operators are always out of synch.
- Quantum measurements don’t wreak as much havoc on what they’re measuring as many assume.
- Momentum is independent of position. They are linearly independent. Electrons, for instance, don’t have a definite place and direction of motion simultaneously. The universe follows the same laws no matter which direction you’re pointing. Everything looks the same in all orders. The universe follows the same laws no matter where you are. This keeps things simple. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the solar winds blow. The universe operates on an isotropy (the uniformity of physical properties) and a homogeneity (the uniformity of structures) basis. The universe is both homogeneous and isotropic in space and time. The earth’s gravity field is mostly isotropic.
- If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
- Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
- According to new findings, the universe’s expansion rates are not isotropic. But this theory clashes with the big bang theory. You can’t have it both ways. So, please don’t buy into it.
- Gravity is a curving or warping of space. The force of gravity curves space and time. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it. Quantum gravity requires the energy format used in gravity to work with and within the energy formats of the standard model. This way, all of the fields produced by the particles in the standard model of particle physics are united with the field produced in a gravitational effect.
- General relativity makes it possible to have an infinite universe with no boundaries. The galaxies are mostly stationary, in a state of spin. Things live in gradualism for quite some time. When it is time for a change, suddenly, explosive movement takes over. Nothing lasts forever. Move through space; they sit there; the enormous black hole in the center provides galactic stability and sweeps up the no longer useful stuff. The dark matter halo cap above keeps things from spinning out of control. However, as time goes on, the space between the galaxies stretches, like pulling a sheet of rubber at it on both ends. Although the galaxies haven’t moved through space at all, they get farther away from each other as time goes on because the space in between them has been stretched.