- QUANTUM BIOLOGY: The study of quantum mechanics and theoretical chemistry applications to biological objects and problems. Many biological processes involve converting energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations and are quantum mechanical.
- DNA has been theoretically modeled as a quantum logic processor in which entangled electron spin states can be coherently held at biological temperature.
- Molecules are the basis of life. They can be considered a quantum system. So it is necessary to enter quantum mechanics in biological discussions. For example, the DNA molecule is a quantum system.
- Quantum mechanics, which rules the micro-world, explains why genetic mutations spontaneously crop up in DNA as it makes copies of itself. Quantum mechanics describes the rules that govern atoms and their subatomic components. Life has a quantum edge. Everything is ultimately quantum because electron interactions are quantized. In chemistry and physics, quantum refers to a single packet of matter or energy. Quantum mechanics explains the sizes and shapes of molecules and the details of their chemical bonding.
- Biological systems are not susceptible to decoherence. Instead, biological organisms are highly non-linear, open, driven systems that operate away from thermodynamic equilibrium.
- Quantum physics produces complex, far-from-equilibrium quantum systems with non-linear couplings. The simplest known living organism is already stupendously complex. Random natural selection couldn’t produce simple living organisms, ever. Nor can monkeys randomly typing produce a Shackspereian play.
- Wave functions cannot be cloned. Nonlocality describes the ability of objects to instantaneously know about each other’s state, even when separated by large distances. Quantum communication is based on nonlocality. Nonlocality is preserved when particles move very fast at velocities close to the speed of light and even more so when those velocities are quantum-mechanically indefinite. Nonlocality is a universal property of the universe.
- Particles move in a quantum superposition at very high speeds. (regardless of how and at what speed quantum particles move).
- Quantum coherence is the mechanism for excitation energy transfer.
- DNA acts as the instructions for making proteins throughout the body. It consists of 4 nucleotides guanine, thymine, cytosine, and adenine. The order of these nucleotides gives the recipe for the different proteins. Whenever a cell reproduces, it must copy these strands of DNA. Enzymes use quantum tunneling to transfer electrons long distances.
- Protein quaternary architecture evolved to enable sustained quantum entanglement and coherence.