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  • What are the three main arguments for the existence of God? Much discussion has focused on Kant’s “big threeviews: ontological, cosmological, and teleological. The basic premise of all teleological arguments for the existence of God is that the world exhibits an intelligent purpose based on experiences from nature, such as its order, unity, coherency, design, and complexity.
  • Despite its perceived strangeness, Relativity is classical regarding cause and effect; quantum mechanics most definitely is not. Einstein was optimistic that some more profound discoveries would uncover a classical, deterministic reality hiding beneath quantum mechanics, but no such order has yet been found.
  • In particle physics, a massless particle is an elementary particle with zero invariant mass. The two known massless particles are gauge bosons: the photon (carrier of electromagnetism) and the gluon (carrier of the strong force).
  • The multiverse theory is a bogus workaround to negate the need for a Designer/Creator. A living universe can’t evolve from randomness.
  • In physicssymmetry breaking is a phenomenon in which (infinitesimally) small fluctuations acting on a system crossing a critical point decide the system’s fate by determining which branch of a bifurcation is taken. The choice will appear arbitrary to an outside observer unaware of the fluctuations (or “noise”).
  • The Planck Era is 1043 s after the Big Bang when we believe that the four basic forces of nature, 1) gravity, 2) nuclear strong force, 3) weak nuclear force, and 4) electromagnetic force, were combined into a single “super” force.
  • Almost immediately after the Big Bang, a superinflation event occurred. This was followed by a smooth-out and cool-down phase which caused symmetry breaking. The symmetry-breaking event set the four forces of physics into motion. The force of gravity attracts across the universe. Dark energy is currently inflating the universe. Mass is ultra-concentrated energy.    Motion energy can be found in any moving object. Kinetic energy is motion. In electromagnetic waves, energy is transferred through electric and magnetic field vibrations. Everything is energy, and everything is connected to everything else through fields. There are five types of kinetic energy: radiant, thermal, sound, electrical, and mechanical. There are several forms of potential energy. Kinetic energy is the motion — of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules, substances, and objects. The human body is comprised of matter and energy.
  • Space/time work together. Quantum Mechanics/Special Relativity work together. Quantum Mechanics/Electromagnetic/Fieldwork together.   Unifying the electromagnetic field and the quantum mechanic’s field also work together. All things are triune with binary interactives.
      • DNA is a codebook that issues instructions. DNA is the governing force that issues instructions to specific proteins at specific times and amounts.
      • DNA is an information structure. The gene blueprint regulates gene activity. DNA issues instructions three at a time. It maintains gene production and regulation to deliver the correct gene functions. Genes are networked in a complex sequenced network. The gene network self-schedules and provides the required results.
      • Information is physical, and it represents the ultimate nature of reality. These surprisingly simple assertions have many profound consequences. Information theory is the wellspring of our contemporary digital world. The universe is an information network. Life is an informational structure. Quantum gravity interacts with the universe’s knowledge base. This knowledge base stores the human consciousness bits. Growing and storing the knowledge bytes from the known thought reposer’s production is why this current universe exists. The universe’s information structure built the universe. The information structure then operates this universe. When the universe matures, the consciousness bytes generated by the known thought reposers are saved. They will be used again in the next universe.
    • The triune combined functions of consciousness, quantum gravity, and quantum entanglement act as one from the underside of the fabric of space-time.  
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