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  1. The theory of Creator/Design begins with observations of how intelligent agents act when designing things. By observing human intelligent agents, there is actually we can learn know and understand about the actions of Creator/Designer. Here are some observations:
  2.  is the theory that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some intelligent entity. It believes that the universe is so complex that a higher intelligent being have designed it. This theory is that life did not evolve by natural selection.
  3. A philosophy of naturalism or materialism generates the Darwinian theory.
  4. It’s what generates the certainty that only unintelligent natural forces were involved in evolution in the creative process that brought our kind into existence as well as all the animals and all the plants. That is all a non-negotiable claim on their part. And why is it a non-negotiable claim? Because if the naturalistic starting point isn’t valid—if it isn’t completely correct—then something else must have happened. What is that something else? It’s something that they don’t like that might get a foothold in science itself.
  5. The first argument for Intelligent Design is based on the information we find in the cell. The arrangements of the four nucleotides, ACTG, contain specified information and convey meaning for the production and arrangements of proteins. A process called DNA error correction (aka, DNA repair). This process is mind-boggling and is currently at work in your body. Your body is creating new DNA at this moment in a process known as DNA Replication.
  6. The teleological argument. It is based on the premise that the universe shows immense, specified complexity.
  7. Intelligent design provides a sufficient causal explanation for the origin of large amounts of information since we have considerable experience with intelligent agents generating informational configurations of matter.
  8. Intelligent causes can generate identical patterns independently.
  9. They commonly found similar parts in widely different organisms. Many genes and functional parts not distributed in a manner predicted by ancestry, and are often found in clearly unrelated organisms.
  10. The built-in design of high levels of complex and specified information in biology as fine-tuning of protein sequences. This has practical implications not just for explaining biological origins but also for engineering enzymes and expecting/fighting the future evolution of diseases.
  11. Intelligent agents can rapidly infuse large amounts of information into systems.
  12. Creator/Design provides a sufficient causal explanation for the origin of large amounts of information since we have considerable experience with intelligent agents generating informational configurations of matter.
  13. An intelligent cause may reuse or redeploy the same module in different systems, without there necessarily being any material or physical connection between those systems. Even more simply, intelligent causes can generate identical patterns independently.
  14. Since non-coding regions do not produce proteins, Darwinian biologists have been dismissing them for decades as random evolutionary noise or ‘junk DNA.’ A Creator/Designer point of view has helped scientists to understand intelligence as a scientifically study able cause of biological complexity, and to understand the types of information it generates.  It is extremely unlikely that an organism would expend its resources on preserving and transmitting so much junk.
  15. If we can empirically know and understand the actions of intelligent agents, then we can make testable predictions about what we should find if intelligent causation was at work.
  16. They commonly found similar parts in widely different organisms. Many genes and functional parts not distributed in a manner predicted by ancestry, and are often found in clearly unrelated organisms.
  17. There have been Creator/Design research that has detected high levels of complex and specified information in biology as fine-tuning of protein sequences.
  18. Science will find instances of fine-tuning of the laws and constants of physics to allow for life, leading to a variety of fine-tuning arguments, including the Galactic Habitable Zone.
  19. Creator/Design has helped scientists to understand intelligence as a scientifically study able cause of biological complexity, and to understand the types of information it generates. ( has helped scientists to understand intelligence as a scientifically study able cause of biological complexity, and to understand the types of information it generates.
  20. Creator/Design has led to both experimental and theoretical research into how limitations on the ability of Darwinian evolution to evolve traits that require multiple mutations to function.
  21. Creator/Design implies that there are limits to the information-generative powers of Darwinian searches, leading to the finding that the search abilities of Darwinian processes are limited,
  22. Creator/Design thinking has helped scientists properly measure functional biological information.
  23. Creator/Design has caused scientists to investigate computer-like properties of DNA and the genome in the hopes of better understanding genetics and the origin of the biological systems.
  24. Creator/Design serves as a paradigm for biology which helps scientists reverse engineer molecular machines like the bacterial flagellum to understand their function like machines, and to understand how the machine-like properties of life allow biological systems to function.
  25. Creator/Design explains the cause of the widespread feature of extreme degrees of “convergent evolution,” including convergent genetic evolution.

God Humor

Most scientists regard the new streamlined peer-review process as ‘quite an improvement’.

  1. High information content machine-like irreducibly complex structures will be found.
  2. They will find forms in the fossil record that appears suddenly and without any precursors.
  3. I will genes and functional parts used in different unrelated organisms.
  4. The genetic code will NOT contain much discarded genetic baggage code or functionless “junk DNA”.
                                    A RANDOMLY EVOLVED CELL ,YEA RIGHT!    
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