- Science and God split up because of the Enlightenment. Matter and energy aren’t eternal. The Creator determined the timing and order of the Universe. The Universe has dozens of fine-tuned constants. Selection bias didn’t do the Universe’s fine-tuning; coding did. Every cell in your body is an information processor. DNA knows how to store information, process information, and transmit information. (All things are triune, with binary interactives.) Chance can’t do any of these three functions.DNA has digital machinery code. DNA is an information-bearing molecule. Precursor or intermediate forms of DNA are nowhere to be found. An Intelligent Design protocol causes DNA, not chance. Functional requirements don’t come about via chance. Bursting into existence isn’t driven by chance. A designing agenda is the cause. A theistic designer uses space, time, and energy. (All things are triune, with binary interactives.)
- Your body has trillions of cells working together. Darwin thought the cell contained a jello-like substance. The cell’s nano-technology has repair, proofreading, and feedback components. (All things are triune, with binary interactives.) These units travel up and down the DNA’s spine, proofreading, correcting, and repairing. Protein chains use only left-handed amino acids. Twenty different amino acids are used to build a protein. Protein may contain one or more chains of amino acids named polypeptides. DNA is a master blueprint. DNA selects and places items in the proper order. DNA needs 75 proteins to function correctly. The DNA in one cell stretches out to 7 feet.
- Within the cell, DNA is read like a CD that plays music. Two DNA components do proofreading, repairs, and corrections as they travel up and down the chain. DNA is also responsible for the body’s build-up. Life is information, matter, and energy. (All things are triune, with binary interactions.) Because of coding, the body’s blood-clotting ability is correct at the right time and place.
- Our complex and orderly brain weighs three pounds. Our brain is a self-organizing system. Thinking is more complicated than speaking. Our brain has one hundred thousand billion electrical collections. One retina is one square inch of space, containing thirty-seven million light-sensitive cells. The electrical impulses in our brain’s micro-circuity travel at 250 MPH. Neurons in the brain receive signals via the dendrites and soma, then send signals down the axon. At most synapses, signals cross from one neuron’s axon to another’s dendrite. However, synapses can connect an axon to another axon or a dendrite to another dendrite.
- Inter-connected molecular machinery cells process energy, execute generic instructions, and replicate. (All things are triune, with binary interactives).
- There are ten body systems—Skeletal, Muscular, Cardio-vascular, Nervous, Endocrine, Respiratory, Digestive, Lymphatic, Urinary, and Reproductive. There are 200 bones and three types of muscles.
Twenty different amino acids are used to build a protein.