- The quantum world is outside our familiar naturalistic context. Local realism is on a field elsewhere. Quantum field theory is a hookup of special relativity and quantum mechanics. QTF is the superposition of special relativity and quantum mechanics. In QFT, the elementary objects are the continuous fields that pervade every spacetime point in the universe. All the elementary particles, such as an electron or a photon, are just quantized excitations of QFT fields. QFT fields can create and eliminate particles. QFT is fully relativistic.
- People interpret intuitions via their perception of events—different results for different folks. Do not conflate intuition with logic. Don’t dismiss something as illogical because it is counterintuitive. You can have things that are intuitive but not logical and things that are logical but not intuitive. You can have things that are intuitive but not logical and things that are logical but not intuitive. Usually, it would help if you had a rational basis to deduce something; other times, you don’t. The choice is up to you; right or wrong can result in either. The point of quantum physics is to forget visualizations, forget what intuition tells you, and listen to the equations instead. This statement may be correct, or it may be wrong; time will tell. QFT is not the end of the road for quantum theory. We continue to look for something better to show up.
- Many aspects of quantum mechanics are counterintuitive and paradoxical. The quantum-level behavior of physics is entirely different from the classic level of physics. For example, two entangled quantum particles must be considered a single system. It doesn’t matter the distance between them. Quantum physics can only be explained in the abstract. Entanglement and nonlocality function at the quantum level of physics but not at the classic level. The shared properties of entangled quantum particles function as a binary particle code. The binary operating code for physics is generated from the fundamental level of physics to the quantum level. There are no particles and no waves, just fields. The wave-particle duality is not a duality; it is a binary interactive. The quantum theory results in making things discrete. When quantum-level physics does a cause or an effect, it results in a product of discreetness.
- The fact is, there are no dualities in physics, only binary interactives.
- Quantum physics is the operator of the classic level of physics. Binary quantum connections (dimensionless 137 types) unite all mass in the universe. All things are triune, with binary interactives.
- A fundamental, massless, dimensionless 137 connector couples all of the universe’s mass. A basic, massless, spin-2 particle, the graviton, teams universally to all forms of energy and momentum. That gives you the equivalency principle, which underpins general relativity.
- Quantum field theory incorporates the curved background of general relativity. It shows that the theory is self-consistent without predicting acausal behavior. The energy content of matter is the source of gravitation. A quantum mechanical operator transforms the quantum matter into its final classical level. The quantum level operator seamlessly transforms quantum gravity into classical gravity. A binary quantum software information system operates the universe. Coded information always comes from the mind. Unguided randomness couldn’t build a bobsled.
- Reality lies beyond our sensory experiences. Wave functions cannot be seen or felt; they can’t transcend our sensory perceptions. We use predictive mathematical formulations to describe reality. Both classical and quantum physics theories will remain flawed until the fundamental, quantum, and classic levels are considered. Physics is triune-based, with binary interactive (1 is 3, 3 is 1, interacting with 2). Information is the starting point for physics. We are a data-DRIVEN university.
- An event has probabilities of many alternate events. It does not predetermine consequent events. These processes are initially time-asymmetric but move towards time-symmetric. All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics.
- Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. Entangled fields spring up within the spacetime boundary. The force of gravity also emerges from the fundamental level of physics. It then moves up to the quantum level, producing linearized quantum gravity. This results in emergent large-scale excitations that merge with the emergent spacetime. It delocalizes during the transition. This is the quantum/gauge duality in action.
- 1 is 3, 3 is 1, all else is 2.
There are no dualities in physics, only binary interactives.