- Today’s new reality generates evil and vile, soul-killing debasements.
- Yesterday’s values are being strangled by the evil of today.
- The dull and uneducated live an obscure, banal existence of desperation. The New Left thrives on causing their demoralization.
- Rationalism begets objective knowledge.
- Our mind creates the reality we perceive, but we are always on the outside of reality, looking in. The true nature of reality is unknowable; our perception is limited. Thought changes things by altering our cognitive awareness. Will objectifies itself.
- Empiricism maintains that all knowledge is derived from the experiences of our senses. Rationalism holds that all knowledge is derived from reason and logic. Kant’s transcendental idealism claims that all empirical objects existing in space-time are mind-dependent. Transcendental idealism determines how we represent those objects in our minds. Metaphysical ideas are necessary, rationally inferred, and purely rational because they arise from our logical use of reason—the categorical imperative of goodwill overcomes hate. Empty thoughts and intuitions with no context are useless exercises of the mind.
- Our representations of the world are space-time dependent. We are always on the outside looking in.
- Every dictator feels that the slavery of freedom gets in the way of progress.
- For every Ying, there is a Yang. For every action, there is a reaction.
- In life, antagonists obstruct and challenge, while protagonists act and drive.
- Multi-nationalism is a precursor to globalism; never forget that.
- The New Left has re-imagined and re-purposed life.
- The lying and spying by our government is endemic now.
- They have erased the horrific past for you; your secrets are now concealed. Your bad memories have been destroyed, and they are manipulating your future. They insist that you can only live in the ever-present now. Be here now; living in the eternal present is all that matters. They have already destroyed the statues that were dedicated to the past. The past that was is no more.
- Bryon and Binkie have taken your dignity, freedom, and hope from you and replaced them with the sorrow of controlled despair. Fear and shame are now your constant companions.
- Believe people when they show you who they are.
- Bryom and Binkie originated and installed the cancel culture for the New Left. The program became another leather weapon for the media and the New Left. Normal people were taken off the playing field big time.
- Bryon and Binkie reward the anarchy of looting, burning, and mayhem.
- Sophists of rhetoric and philosophy are fallacious reasoners. Sophistry is reasoning that seems plausible but is unsound reasoning used to deceive. The mainstream media, the New Left, and the Socialist/Communist networks use sophistry to control Americans. Their weapons of choice are the internet and most of the media. All are compliant, useful idiots. Bryon and Binkie use all of them as cudgels against those who would stand in their way. Bryon and Binkie have unchecked swords. The New York Times conducts the choir from their perch.
- Bryon and Binkie are masters of behavior modification, lies, and half-truths. They are smooth operators who can change your belief system with ease. You’ll feel they care a lot after they flood the zone with their happy talk.
- The Bryon and Binkie Cartel has led a five-year all-out war to jail America’s most recent Republican President. The Cartel’s January 6th Tribunal jailed over one thousand conservative soldiers. All were harshly sentenced. Stalin and Hitler applaud Bryon and Binkie from Hell. Bryon and Binkie’s money man, the Iranian Mullah, had funded radical District Attorneys and city and Federal DAs across America. The Mullah’s money also got dozens of New Left, radical judges elected in most major American cities. Cash bail has been eliminated in the name of social justice. Criminals are not charged most of the time or are let go within a day or two. Because Bryon and Binkie keep America’s borders open, tons of new killer drugs are flowing into America. The hoards of illegal immigrants are drug mules for the Mexican cartels. They are spreading death across America. Drug overdoses in America have gone through the roof. The users who haven’t overdosed are homeless addicts sleeping on sidewalks, with or without a pup tent. The druggies live with the crazies on the sidewalks of America. The unfortunate citizens who have lost their homes due to the New Left’s economy are also on the sidewalks or sleeping in their cars. The economic programs of the New Left have developed an entire underclass of American citizens.
- Only the illegal aliens live well in free high-end hotels or government-provided free housing. They receive generous welfare benefits provided by American tax money. Their drug mule activities are ongoing. Illegal alien crime, debauchery, and depravity are off the charts. Gang-bangers from Central America and Mexico are flooding into America. The Mexican Cartels are setting up beachheads all over America. Our great country is under siege, thanks to Bryon and Binkie. How do you like the play now, Mrs Lincoln?
- The Republican politicians are too weak to fight. They bloviate about how they plan to fight back but are dazed, confused, and afraid. Their talk always proves to be cheap. Life is good as long as the bribe money from the elites keeps rolling in. Getting re-elected is job number one.
- The Bryon and Binkie cartel’s death match against democracy is a highly organized and coordinated attack. The Old Guard Republicans have also been part of the attack on democracy because they want to regain control of the voters who are Republicans. Concurrently, Bryon and Binkie’s operatives want to flip all possible Independent voters. Bryon and Binkie have installed Willie T. Jones to implement their “flip the Independents” plan.