- Decades keep turning into shades of yesterday. You reach out for what is worth saving. There’s got to be a better way. Pieces of what could have been are slipping into darkness. The door you can not find is open wide, frozen in your mind.
- Things are weirder than they appear to be. The contingent things are odder than before. Life is choices; things don’t always have to remain the same. The anguish of your existence is where you ought to be. Don’t live in bad faith; different times call for different perceptions. Nothing is as it seems; being is sometimes filled with nothingness.
- It didn’t feel wrong, but something wasn’t quite right. Mistakes are made sometimes, but stopping them isn’t easy to do. Set them down, shut the door, and keep them out of sight. Good luck with that. Inquiring minds want to know. Midnight is lurking in the shadows of your mind.
- The fear of consequences has a grip on your senses. Things are constantly conspiring to take your dreams away. Be strong, and hold on; it won’t be long. Be careful in what you are looking for; it may not be what you need.
- Necessity isn’t always a part of reality. Existence is a fluid thing. Logic isn’t preordained; you learn it as you go along. Existence precedes essence. Essence is acquired along the way. You are born tabla rasa. Be what you want to be. Don’t deny your freedom. Choose a meaning that suits you. Don’t do too many words with little meaning.
- Seeking meaning and purpose is a game people play. Did God create us, or did we make up God? Be careful when you answer that; you could be out in the long run. Intellectuals never take responsibility for their actions and claims. Nothing is ever their fault. They merely state, “The subject is too deep for your understanding,” as they walk away.
- An authentic life is dependent upon who is asking. Your persona is your mask. All that you are unaware of is hiding in your subconscious mind. Keep your shadow self in balance with your persona. Psychoanalysis, for the most part, is a scam to take your money.