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  • “May be part of the definition of life, ‘Irreducible complexity/'”
Photo: Paralysis fumaric, a species of archaea, by Manfred Rohde, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.
  • Darwinian evolution is supposed to build complex systems gradually, overcoming vast improbabilities in tiny steps over billions of years. But, strangely, many systems in living organisms are “irreducibly complex” — they contain a core set of key elements that are all absolutely necessary for the system to function at all. Gradual evolution through random variation and natural selection could never build such a system, because the system would have no adaptive function until it was already completely finished.
  • Okay, so maybe it’s hard to see how gradual, blind processes could produce a few special systems like the bacterial flagella. Because of irreducible complexity — got it. But Darwin’s theory still makes sense for everything else. So are we really going to throw out the whole theory on the basis of a few things we can’t explain? Isn’t it more likely that there has some explanation for these things, and we just have to

  1. A Definition of Life Living organisms apart from non-living things, and what makes them able to function and to evolve, is that in living organisms, the parts exist for and through the whole. Kauffman calls such systems “Kantian wholes” (because the idea comes from Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement). A Kantian whole, to put it another way, is a self-creating system in which everything supports and depends upon everything else.

If irreducible complexity really is part of the definition of life, this solves the problem raised in the response to Behe’s irreducible complexity argument.

  1. For example, this line of thinking has got to be why evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein feels that “if we pursue that question [a particular problem raised by ID proponents], what we’re going to find is, oh, there’s a layer of Darwinism we didn’t get and it’s going to turn out that the intelligent design folks are going to be wrong” — even though he admits that ID proponents are pointing to genuine holes in the current theory of evolution.

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