- Bryon and Binkie are driving the implementation of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT Plan.
- The war had come way too soon. The bombastic noises roared through the night. The screams of terror were all around, with no place to hide and no respite to be found. Dreams of terror interrupt my intermittent sleep. I stare at the ceiling; sleep comes and goes. War has settled into our cities. Gang bangers rule the streets of despair. Fentanyl is everywhere. Old women lock themselves in their houses, too afraid to venture out. Drive-by bullets are sprayed all around neighborhoods. Kids die in their beds, fast asleep. Collateral damage is spread around. The New Left covers up all of it, and the mainstream media does too. Black-on-black violence is of no interest to them. Bringing down whitey consumes them eight days a week. White Americans are the enemies of the New Left. The mainstream media are the New Left’s comrades in arms. The enemy is us.
- Bryon and Binkie have kept our border open by lying every step of the way. The blacks and brows are flooding in daily. The problem is that after they get a taste of freedom, they start thinking and acting like the white middle class. We must stop them from acting and thinking like whites. The American middle class must be taken down by all means possible. It, alone, stands in the way of our One World Government plans. Thanks to the culture, Christianity is withering away. Devil worship, Paganism, cults, and Witchery are on the rise. We are winning the cultural wars. Alinkey’s dictum “never let them see you coming” is working.
- Bryon and Binkie are locking up Whitey’s political leaders at an accelerated pace. America can no longer be allowed to remain as the leader of the Western World. Bryon and Binkie have achieved a strategic unity between Russia and China. They hope that this alliance will at least cripple America, peacefully or not.
- The Bryon and Binkie board is set; let the wars begin.