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  • The concept of string theory is one of the most popular ideas of the last 20 years in theoretical physics. They are sometimes referred to as a theory from 21st-century physics discovered in the 20th century. String theories define the universe’s basic building blocks as one-dimensional strings (filaments of energy as small as 10-33 cm) that vibrate in multi-dimensional space-time. In this theory, strings replace the structureless point particles as the basic building blocks of matter. Different vibrational modes of strings correspond to the elementary point particles.
  • The MULT-UNIVERSE is a figment of many frustrated scientists who have run out of ideas on what (or who) created this Universe. None of these scientists have provided any evidence to support their fantasies, nor have they offered any predictions that can be tested to prove or disprove their theory.
  • If one cannot explain the origin of life here in this universe, then the multiverse is moot; if one cannot explain consciousness in this universe, then the multiverse is moot. That a single cell with the ability to encode and decode highly specified and purposeful information somehow goes against all the laws of thermodynamics and probability, the cell can randomly decide to settle on a near-perfect encoding and decoding system, which can then follow all the rules of a machine’s instructions,  including the ability to proofread itself with special molecular machines. At the same time, another molecular device has a process to fix any errors.
  • This first perfect cell decides to reduce entropy to near zero by developing a system that divides this highly specified and purposeful information in half.
  • Then it pulls both of these halves to their opposite ends. An enormously complex system then does several post checks to make sure the division was correct. Then it pinches itself off using special molecular devices to perfectly seal off each new cell without exposing it to the external world.
  • This all happened by an unguided random chance. Randomness knew that life only uses left-handed isomers of amino acids for its protein chains.  Randomness also learned to make it with equal amounts. Randomness also knew that there is zero affinity for which isomer will be used.
  • The chances of creating even one beneficial small 150 amino acid protein, with functional protein folding particular and limited, is about 1 in 1 X10 to the 120th power – you could fill the universe with primordial soup and never get one to self assemble (not to mention that organic material unwinds faster than it can self create unless it is sealed off from water, too much light, heat, improper PH, etc.- instead of this self-assembly impossibility though, it takes the immaterial information stored in DNA, and DNA requires particular proteins.  So while we are hallucinating our consciousness, we still insist those hallucinations can produce bizarre and overly complex philosophical, not scientific answers to our universe’s apparent perfection for self-aware, conscious beings.  Theories about our existence require a conscious observer to make measurements. Of course, the obvious answer to why the universe looks engineered to perfection is that consciousness is primary and lies at the bottom of the pyramid, right under physics, not at the top as an epiphenomenon of matter. To get to this bizarre multiverse nonsense, we have to chuck the most straightforward explanation for the observer effect and instead go for many worlds, with new universes branching off when a measurement is made.
  • Einstein would be turning over in his grave if he saw the hoops and constant revisions and patches applied to multiverse thinking to make it sound reasonable. But the goal of a multiverse is first and foremost to get rid of the fine-tuning “problem” instead of accepting fine-tuning for what it is, a product of a super-intellect. It is horrible science when we dream of going past the standard model’s incredible achievement, which does not disagree with any experiment or observation we have ever made.  If you suppose there would be exotic physics to explain it away, you’d be wrong. If that were the case, we would have already found it and the upgraded LHC power levels, but we didn’t.  It was predicted that we would discover supersymmetry at a much lower TEV, but we did not.  So, build another larger collider in hopes of going past the finest achievement in all of physics, the standard model.  That is pure insanity based on scientism, not science, and a commitment to a universe with no purpose. This is an incredibly arrogant assumption. Arrogance begets ignorance, which only leads to the waters of oblivion.
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