- Academics only tell you what they think you should know. Laudatory dreams lie fragmented in your mind; you can piece them together over time if you have the mind. When a storm ends, another begins, and so it goes. Political discourse has little use for morality. Communism and Socialism are started and controlled by the armies of true believers until they believe no more. Confederacies of dunces lose everything all of the time. The Dunces can’t get back to where they once belonged. Control, or be controlled, unfree to choose. Disrespect is all they’ll ever get. It serves them right to suffer, don’t you agree? Their frenzies of rage always get undone. The doer of deeds counts because talk is cheap.
- Most entities are run by the rich so their friend can get rich, too. The rest are merely pawns in the game. The controllers all hide away in their ivory towers. They pretend to pity the poor immigrant, but the reality is they can’t care less. Colonial oppression was always a rich man’s game. Power sustains and amuses them.
- Everything’s broken, everybody’s dead, and I’m not feeling too good myself. The past follows the present around until it finally fades away. The emptiness of your existence is on display for all to see. Proustian logic often gets kicked aside. Trying to shift your future is more challenging than it used to be. The herd moves as one without remorse.
- The Ottoman Empire expansion, 1300–1700 AD.
- The Ottoman Empire began at the end of the 13th century with raids from Turkic warriors. The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 AD by Osman I in northwestern Asia Minor just south of the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. (In Anatolia, which is Turkey today.)
- Initially, the Ottomans were leaders of the Turkish warriors under the faith of Islam. Sumerians became the first people to develop complex systems of civilization in the 5th millennium BC. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh.[1] Mesopotamia was home to several powerful empires that came to rule most of the Middle East.
- Turkmen nomads migrating from Central Asia established themselves as the Seljuq dynasty in Iran and Mesopotamia in the mid-11th century and overwhelmed Byzantium after the Battle of Manzikert (1071). They occupied eastern and central Anatolia during the 12th century. The Ottoman Empire struggled to maintain its bloated bureaucracy and decentralized political structure. The empire reached its apex under Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century, stretching from the Persian Gulf in the east to Algeria in the west.
- Oil was discovered, first in Persia in 1908, later in Saudi Arabia (in 1938) along with other Persian Gulf states, Libya and Algeria. A Western dependence on Middle Eastern oil and the decline of British influence led to a growing American interest in the region. Syria and Egypt moved towards independence during the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
- (Wikipedia.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- From the 3rd century to the 7th century AD, the Middle East was dominated by the Byzantines and the Sasanian Empire. Then, Islamic warriors took over. The Seljug Dynasty beat the Arabs and took over until the Mongal Dynasty showed up in the early 13th century. The Ottoman emirs, who were linguistically Turkic and religiously Islamic in 1453, captured the Christian Byzantine capital of Constantinople and made themselves sultans. The Fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought a global security refocus from the Cold War to a War on Terror. In 1997, Iran went from secular to Islamic. They have been funding terror ever since. We buy their oil, and they kill us. Obama sent them eight billion dollars in cash on a cargo jet because he said that Iran didn’t have a banking account.
- Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.)
- The gradual weakening of the Ottoman Empire gave rise to the Eastern Question in the mid-19th century. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated and was partitioned after its defeat in World War I. The empire had been in decline for centuries.
- We are still buying Iranian oil to fund their terrorist operations across the globe. We opened up our borders to allow all of the bomb-making terrorists to come in.
- Terrorists will be attacking from American soil soon.