The Jews are God’s redemptive plan after they follow the Christ.
Vern Bender
Walking through the twilight, people are waiting for you to die.
Hagar’s son Ishmael has taken over much of the Jewish Promised Land. That must be deep, you see.
Abe of Ur, by way of Egypt, was the first to become a Jew. That must be deep, too.
Lucifer is fighting God’s redemptive plan. Love of self and money is part of Lucy’s battle plan. That must be deep, you see.
The times are changing. Good is bringing up the rear. That must be deep, too.
The Jews are God’s redemptive plan after they follow the Christ. This is also deep. Jews walked in the wilderness for seventeen hundred years before they went home again. The Promised Land is not where it used to be. The times are changing, but not for the good. Sad but true, Israel is the final killing floor. That must be deep, you see.