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The scientific come-to-Jesus’ conversion via Intelligent Design. 

  •  Many new orphan genes are uncovered whenever a previously unsequenced plant or animal’s DNA is sequenced. This pattern clashes with what universal common descent anticipates but meshes well with an intelligent design paradigm. If a feature is unique to a species or lineage, we expect the designer to write a new DNA code for the new feature.
  • The understanding of engineering principles explains the repeated appearance of the pentadactyl (five-digit) limb design throughout the animal kingdom. Evolutionists have long argued that this pattern is due to evolutionary common descent. A series of mutations constructed the five-digit design in a common ancestral lineage and passed it down. Other animal branches used this blueprint. This story is a fantasy because there are many animal exceptions to this rule. An ID engineering analysis shows that five digits provide an optimal tradeoff between strength and flexibility/agility. Five digits represent what engineers describe as a constrained optimization of competing attributes. ID did that. In other words, the five-digit design often appears in the animal world because the designer was a sound engineer and selected it as the best tradeoff between competing virtues.
  • The founders of modern science were theists and tutored in the Judeo-Christian understanding of reality. Their early breakthroughs were fueled by seeing the Book of Nature as the work of a master Intelligent Designer. Today’s systems biologists find themselves amid a revolution of Intelligent Design discovery.
  • Science is having a come-to-Jesus start-up conversion. 
  • Lucifer is the father of all lies, and science will soon, belatedly, overcome his lies.
Vern Bender
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