- The scientific come-to-Jesus conversion via intelligent design.
- Molecular biological life sciences are leading the way. Lucifer has inculcated Darwin’s flawed theory into scientific minds for over 160 years. Darwin knew his theory was flawed. He counted on new scientific discoveries to prove his theory correct. Darwin thought a cell contained a kind of jelly and that everything came from his Tree of Life drawing. Lucifer has made most scientists into true believers for over 160 years. They didn’t know they’d been under the devil’s belief control. Lucifer has had science believing that life forms came from an unguided, random evolutionary process.
- Biomedical engineering utilizes engineering principles to design, develop, and innovate equipment and technologies. Biotechnology explores genetic modifications, waste disposal management, and much more. Your body uses biotechnology within your biological systems to run your body. Biosystems engineering applies engineering principles to biological systems and processes. Your body requires both.
- Most academic biologists will not admit intelligent design beats blind evolution. Your body’s biological systems have been determined to be intelligently designed and coded. Your biological systems have been intelligently designed; blind randomness has nothing to do with it. Cleverly engineered solutions don’t just evolve; they are intended.
- The engineering marvels of proteins, ribosomes, and their underlying amino acid were intelligently designed. This architecture did not originate from an unguided, blind evolvement. Ribosomes contain proteins and RNA. They are waterproof, mechanically resistant, flexible, and elastic, with long-lived connecting units.
- Proteins, likewise, are powerful, flexible, and elastic — much better than artificial nylons and able to self-fold into the precise four-dimensional structures needed for life. They do so in many shapes that fulfill a host of challenging tasks. These protein machines, moreover, don’t just work individually; they work together symphonically.
- You need various kinds of left-handed amino acids to get ribosomes and protein. There is no mindless natural process for generating or selecting only left-handed amino acids. Nature’s laws can’t nurture life. The irrational forces of nature can only tear life apart. Molecular biological machines are needed to overcome buffeting forces. Giant RNA molecules are required to make ribosomes. Origin-of-life researchers declare that life began as an RNA World. DNA and proteins arrived later. The three can’t survive or work without each other—coded foresight and planning activities by intelligent agents are required.
- Another rising challenge to modern evolutionary theory — is the exponential growth in the array of orphan genes. Orphan genes are functional DNA sequences without known homologs outside a given species or lineage. A commitment to universal common descent led biologists to expect orphan genes to be rare. Suppose all species evolved from an ancestor species in a gradually branching tree of life. In that case, genetic changes would accumulate slowly through small genetic mutations. Then, genes without ancestry should be pretty unusual. But they’re not.
- Many new orphan genes are uncovered whenever a previously unsequenced plant or animal’s DNA is sequenced. This pattern clashes with what universal common descent anticipates but meshes well with an intelligent design paradigm. If a feature is unique to a species or lineage, we expect the designer to write a new DNA code for the new feature.
- The understanding of engineering principles explains the repeated appearance of the pentadactyl (five-digit) limb design throughout the animal kingdom. Evolutionists have long argued that this pattern is due to evolutionary common descent. A series of mutations constructed the five-digit design in a common ancestral lineage and passed it down. Other animal branches used this blueprint. This story is a fantasy because there are many animal exceptions to this rule. An ID engineering analysis shows that five digits provide an optimal tradeoff between strength and flexibility/agility. Five digits represent what engineers describe as a constrained optimization of competing attributes. ID did that. In other words, the five-digit design often appears in the animal world because the designer was a sound engineer and selected it as the best tradeoff between competing virtues.
- The founders of modern science were theists and tutored in the Judeo-Christian understanding of reality. Their early breakthroughs were fueled by seeing the Book of Nature as the work of a master Intelligent Designer. Today’s systems biologists find themselves amid a revolution of Intelligent Design discovery.
- Science is having a come-to-Jesus start-up conversion.
- Lucifer is the father of all lies, and science will soon, belatedly, overcome his lies.