- Dystopia is growing in America. Societal and political challenges are taking America down. The New Left is the cause of it all. New Left educators are dumbing students down by establishing a new lowest common denominator day by day—the political-industrial complex exploits individual workers and consumers. Multinational corporations are controlling the economy. Politicians are bought off. The military-industrial complex is in control. Enemies are created. The populations are vilified and dehumanized, minorities are persecuted, and human rights are taken away. Big Brother is always watching you.
- Dystopia is not a real place; it is a warning about something bad the government is doing or something good it is failing to do. Morality, ethics, virtues, and integrity are daily driven into the ground. Good and evil, right and wrong, and good conduct are becoming distinctions without differences anymore.
- Our Nation’s debt is out of control and growing daily. Interest rates on our debt have skyrocketed. The New Left’s plan to spend our middle class out of existence is working. The breaking point for our middle class will soon be reached. Bryon and Blinkie are running six American revolutions at once. Bryon is a master puppeteer; he pulls the strings, and the current President and the US Congress dance to Bryon’s tune. He controls all things political from his basement bunker. His fingerprints are nowhere to be found. The corrupt media has Bryon and Binkie covered on every move they make.
- Academia has been producing generations of New Left Snowflakes for decades. Snowflakes are cowards and liars who shut down free speech across all levels of our Nation. The media provides cover for all of the snowflakes. The New Left is creating a new society that doesn’t offend them—a generation of snowflakes with enhanced sensitivity is the result. In the end, snowflakes will be crushed by their stupidity.
- The evil twins, Bryon and Binkie, keep our borders open. Millions of unvetted aliens have been allowed to enter America illegally. These unvetted illegals are given money, housing, and full benefits. They get social security numbers and work permits, too. American citizens get nothing, while the illegals take all of the jobs.
- Meanwhile, the Conservative Right holds meetings and forms discussion groups. The Conservative Right fights with each other; they are feckless, weak, and can’t decide what they want to do. Bryon and Binkie have the Right Wing in the palms of their hands. The Right doesn’t know how to fight back.
- Truth is always withheld or falsified. Statutes are torn down to erase the past. Only the endless now is allowed to exist. The New Left is creating a new society that won’t offend them. Snowflakes have enhanced sensitivities, an inflated sense of uniqueness, and an unwarranted sense of entitlement. Overrating their existence is what they do. Snowflakes are weak-minded and fragile people. Snowflakes need to be supplied with safe places to hide. Uncertainty and confusion follow them around. Hate toward others is inculcated into their brains. Ultimately, snowflakes will be crushed by their vapid and shallow existence.
- Erasing the lessons of the past is a recipe for destruction that is baked into today’s culture. Hitler is proud of America’s New Left as he watches from his box seat in Hell. Regression to the mean is a fact. Giving in to primal urges, false dogma, and tribal behaviors can only lead to self-destruction. America is standing at that crossroads right now.
- America’s culture needs massive doses of virtue, morality, and kindness, or it will completely slide into oblivion.
- The deep state and the elites run the administrative state, but Bryon and Binkie are in charge. America is on the eve of destruction, for real this time.
- Only God’s intervention of Efficacious Grace can save America now.
Only God’s intervention of efficacious grace can save America.