- 570 A.D., Muhammad was born in Mecca.
- 610 A.D., The Angel Gabriel appears to Mumunad in a cave near Mecca. Muhammad is not mentioned explicitly or implicitly in the Bible,
- Islam originated with Muhammad’s mission in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century AD. Muslims regard this time as a return to the original faith passed down by the Abrahamic prophets, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus. (A convenient array of Jewish prophets). In 610 A.D., the Prophet Muhammad first saw the Angel Gabriel and heard the words of Allah. The religious obligations of all Muslims are summed up in the Five Pillars of Islam, which include belief in God and his Prophet Mouhamand and duties of prayer, charity, pilgrimage, and fasting. The fundamental concept of Islam is the Sharīʿāh law, which embraces the total way of life as commanded by Allah. Muslims pray five times a day to fulfill the obligation bestowed upon them by the command of Allah through His Holy Messenger.
- The primary intention of the Hijab is to protect women from evil eyes. And referring to this, Allah says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments.
- “Islam” means “submission to the will of God.” Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing God known as Allah in Arabic. Followers of Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to Allah.
- Muslims believe that Jesus (called “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God and was born to a virgin (Mary). They also believe he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or “the false messiah,” the Antichrist.
- 622 A.D., Muhammad moved his followers from Mecca to Media.
- 630 AD., They returned to Mecca.
- 633 A D, Muhammad dies. His father-in-law takes over. Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission to God. The Quran states that God will judge each individual by their deeds and that heaven awaits those who have lived righteously and hell for those who have not.
- 638 AD, They spread their religion to Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. Muslims believe the Quran to be direct knowledge from the Creator of existence. Scholars recognize the similarities in
- The Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament predate the Quran. Scholars recognize the similarities found in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian texts. Both were plagiarized to some extent, and Gabriel added the rest. That became a new and improved version of two best sellers. Who are you going to believe? Not ghostbusters.
- 641 AD, They entered Egypt and routed the Byzantine army.
- The Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament predate the Quran. Scholars recognize the similarities found in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian texts. Both were plagiarized to some extent, and Gabriel added the rest.
- 655 AD, Islam began to spread throughout North Africa.
- 711 AD, Muslims entered Spain in the west and India in the east.
- 732 A D. Muslims are defeated in France.
- 1099 AD., European Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Muslims.
- 1299 AD., The earliest Ottoman state was formed in Anatolia, Turkey.
- In 1453 AD, The Ottomans conquered the Byzantine seat of Constantinople and changed its name to Istanbul.
- World War I ended with the defeat and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the last of the Islamic empires.
- 1979 A.D. The Iranian Revolution resulted in the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the first attempt at an Islamic state in the modern era.