- Fenytnal bumped-up Heroin is the meanest creature the drug world has ever known. It is killing people on the left and the right. It does thin out the homeless problem; maybe someone you know is on the list, too. China makes the chemicals and then ships them to the Mexican cartels, turning the chemicals into Fentanyl.
- Fentanyl is then mixed into their Heroin to give those you love a hell of a kick, maybe for the last time. The southern border has been open ever since Trump left town. The Cartels have mules aplenty to bring their hot-shot drug hit to your hometown. Oblivion is only a shot away. This time, you can shoot your troubles away. This desert of despair follows your kids around. The clarion call of seduction is always calling them. Vultures prey on their imaginations as they circle in their minds. The vultures seek another soul to steal as they mess with your mind.
- Politicians talk in vapid and vacuous terms about how they will fix the drug epidemic. Their money keeps rolling in as mothers pray for help. These mothers live in darkness as they pray without ceasing. The devil is in charge of Fentanyl, and that’s a natural fact; get over it, you’ve lost, and the devil’s choir said Amen.
- Pictures of unknown people with nothing to convey are etched in black and white in the theater of your mind. These people are slowly walking on the highway to Hell. They are trying to hold on to everything that is gone. Kick it before you quit it while running away from what you used to be.
- A fallen angel creates some dust; it is available to all. It will take your troubles away for just a little while. Angel dust, don’t you see? In the end, my friend, it don’t do nobody no good. Whitey’s in the basement making some bullets for his gun.
- We’ve got the Constitution on the run; it will soon be done. You wear a new disguise daily to hunt down your prey as you move in for the kill. Where can you run to when nobody will know you’re gone?
- She’s a seesaw landy from way across town. She does people a little harm, but they come back for more. It’s hard to put a price on the pain caused by the seesaw lady from way across town.
- Explain yourself if you think you can. I’m the closest thing to me that I can find, don’t you see? The infinity of time is about to look you up. Each new day swims into the darkness of your mind. Evil forces move in the darkness of the night. Light is their enemy, most of the time.
- Right and wrong moves around a lot and is subject to interpretation. Many people believe they are too bright to believe in God. Belief in God is for the simplistic dullards of life. “I am not like them” is the cry of the atheist from his perch on high. Arrogance is a disease of the mind. I am Overman; God is for those who aren’t. Rationality can only get you part of the way to the final answers. Art and science don’t define God. The pursuit of knowledge can enslave you to uniform, wrong-headed thinking. You need to grow and expand what you think you know. Time is endless, and matter is limited. This would include you if you get it right.
Fentanyl bumped-up Heroin is a lethal poison for those you love.