- All of the broken promises you left behind echo softly within the shadows of your mind— the sound of faint, distant thunder rolls across a clear blue sky. Lightening is nowhere to be found. An alarming stillness engulfs you. Loninness sneaks into the recesses of your mind. Alone no more.
- Echos from the past sporadically show up; very few are pleasant. Some are fleeting, while others are not.
- The past doesn’t like to be forgotten. People are whispering, but nobody is listening. A clown is crying in the alley, and nobody cares.
- Sweet Baby James, with his lately tracked veins, is nodding off into the land of oblivion. Disneyland is just a shot away. Bliss is where you find it.
- You say you want to find out what it is all about. Look no more; go out that door. There’s only one way out; I’m not going out that door.
- Blues no more.
- Vacuousness and vapidness reign supreme in our culture today; shallowness and emptiness are closing in fast. The delusion of happiness is on a faraway shore. Don’t stop believing in your failed past. The drivin’ rain won’t wash your troubles away.
- The arc of suffering gets stronger every day. The ocean’s pounding roar is getting harder to ignore.
Disneyland is just a shot away. Bliss is where you find it.