- The consciousness of the mind.
- The Big Bang kicked off our universe 13.8 billion years ago. The cosmic dark age lasted 380,000 years before it was cool enough to “Let there be light” start to shine. Islands in the sky formed as galaxies. The Earth showed up 3.9 to 4.6 billion years ago. Single-celled living organisms showed up 3.5 billion years ago. (AN ESTIMATE). All stars are suns. Every shining star in its core is a nuclear reactor. Each star’s nuclear reactor manufactures every chemical element heavier than helium. You are made of star stuff.
- There are +50 billion galaxies in the universe that are visible to us. Each galaxy has one billion stars or more.
- Complex multi-cellular life forms are recent iterations.
- Five hundred seventy million years ago, the Cambrian explosion diversified life’s species in the oceans.
- Eighty million years ago, flowers started blooming.
- The first dinosaurs and mammals showed up two hundred and twenty-five years ago. Sixty-five million years ago, dinosaurs became extinct.
- Human beings are a member of the Homo sapiens species. We showed up 315,000 years ago.
- When God inserted our tuned-in consciousness module and the soul He had designed, we were ready to battle the evil that had dropped in.
- The Earth’s celestial North Pole moves about 1° every 72 years. It takes our sun approximately 225-250 million years to complete one journey around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.
- Our Milky Way Galaxy moves at a speed of 130 miles per second. Heavier galaxies spin faster. We turn with it and don’t feel a thing.
- The observable universe is finite. It extends 46 billion light years in every direction from us. What lies beyond the observable universe is unknown. The size of the unobservable universe is estimated to be 90 billion light-years across. Exploding space was the cause of it all. All the energy and spacetime of this universe were packed into the initial singularity that went bang. Or not. Quantum mechanics say it isn’t necessarily so. Loop quantum gravity caused some beginning big bounces. Quantum fluctuations caused the universe to expand. There is no multiverse. That idea is atheistic wishful thinking.
- Humans crossed the land bridge between Asia and North America about 13,000 years ago. A little earlier and concurrently, boatloads of folks sailed around that same northern passage. They hugged the coast while traveling south. To a great extent, the DNA of Native Americans is Oriental-based.
Genetically, Native Americans are most closely related to East Asians and Ancient North Eurasians. Native American genomes contain genetic signals from Western Eurasia due in part to their descent from a standard Siberian population during the Upper Paleolithic period.
- Most early South Americans walked or rode a boat to go south; some excellent seafaring folks got to South America from Australia and the South Sea Islands.
- Mesopotamia is where agriculture first emerged 12,000 years ago.
- Three thousand years ago, Egypt started recording history. It was the Bronze Age.
- One thousand years ago, the Iron Age started in Europe and Asia.
- Around 1830, the Industrial Revolution began in England.
- In 1957, the Space Age began. In the early 1980s, The Computer Age Began. In the late 1980s, the Information Age began.
- In the early 2020s, the Artificial Intelligence Age started.