- Destroying the good in people is the Devil’s aim. You are in play on the Devil’s killing floor with every breath you take and every move you make. The Devil and his minions were driven from Heaven. A third of the Hosts were cast out. They showed up here on Earth. They established a global killing floor. Ever since, 24/7/365, they have been seeking someone they can devour.
- Some of us will be selected to replace those who were cast out. God wants His hosts to get back to fully staffed status one more time again.
- To become a candidate and make the go-forward list, two things are required:
- 1st: Pledge allegiance to the Event Originator who runs the show.
- 2nd: Fight for the good side.
- Surviving on the killing floor and taking out as much evil as possible is what you need to do.
- One Nazi and four Communists killed two or three hundred million people.
- Socialism is a pseudo-religion grounded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny. Socialism depends upon dictatorships to attain and remain in power.
- Marx and his collaborator friend, Friedrich Engels, invented a political system based on a class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Marx predicted the proletariat would win every Communist Revolution and that Capitalism would destroy itself. Once the proletariat has won its revolution, a classless society and pure socialism/communism (A distinction without a difference) are put in place. Marx predicted that once a Socialist/Communist society was put in place, utopia had arrived. Niverina, are us, be here now.
- This utopian world includes a progressive income tax, the abolition of private property, and free education. Communications and transport are state-controlled. Convert or be killed. Freedom has been penciled out. You no longer need your fantasy god. Your State will be taking care of you. You can now share and share alike. The Show-Runners will steal everything you used to own.
- There were many cases of abuse of workers in the early days of the Industrial Revolution. By the turn of the century, things were changing. Marx had predicted that Capitalism would break down. That did not happen. The Russian Royal families had kept the Russian population in abject and brutal serfdom for hundreds of years. Russia had held onto serfdom longer than any other country on the face of the Earth. The luxury of the ruling Romanoff family was only exceeded by their brutal treatment of the Russian serfs that they had ruled for hundreds of years. By the early 1900s, revolutions were in the air throughout Russia. Starvation and brutality were everywhere in all Russia.
- The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It took sixty-nine years for the first Communist government to show up. By 1917, the Bolsheviks had taken over. Lenin installed Communism in Russia. The Communist Manifesto has failed 100% of the time.
- Marx had the wrong idea at the wrong time. Nobody bought in for 70 years except for the desperate, godless intellectuals.
- Marx had predicted that Capitalism was dying. On the contrary, economies were expanding, workers’ lives were improving, and the middle class was expanding. Marx believed in his version of the Hegelian dialectic. The thesis, antithesis, and synthesis were without flaws. Marx thought that Capitalism replaced feudalism and that socialism would replace Capitalism. He was wrong again.
- Maarx published The Communist Manifesto almost 200 years ago. Its results show only failures. Communism and Nazism (a brother from a different mother) must jail and kill millions to survive. Dictatorships of all types have central rules with no individual choice. If you step out of line, prison or death are in your cards. Unavoidable horror is coming at you. Marx laid out a system of governance that has failed globally for over a century. Intellectuals love Communism because it is godless; they believe they are too smart to believe in a god. They think that unguided randomness has put them here. Arrogance is as arrogance does. The rest of us are stupid.
- The Socialist/Communist downsides are enormous. Violence and a high body count are always required.
- 1. Recognizing private property is an essential condition for the prevention of coercion. Personal property is integral to civilization.
- 2. Marx called on the workers of all countries to unite against the ruling classes. Revolutions only work when a country’s economy is broken beyond repair or a despot has ruined the economy and ruled by killing and jailing millions of people. It took Marx’s plan 70 years for the first country to adopt his plan. Russia was in a death spiral of woes. Lenin led the revolt. Stalin took over with a vengeance. He killed, starved, and jailed tens of millions of his fellow citizens. Commrad Mao of China, a few decades later, beat Stalin’s killing score ten times over in half the time. American intellectuals and academics are ready to put America into the Communist Revolution game. They want to put America onto the Communist killing floor and beat Charman Mao’s killing record ten times over. This is what they are living for. Kid, are you sure you want to be cannon fodder for them?
- 3. Capitalism emerged because of inventions like the cotton gin, the Enlightenment, and the emergence of thinkers like Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill. Marx did not foresee capitalists addressing problems such as unemployment and inflation, monopolies, Social Security and health care, and the proper balance of private and public control over the means of production. He promoted wrong-headed ideas at the wrong time. Living standards in industrial nations were rising, not falling. Russian and China had successful Communist revolutions because their economies were in freefall, inflation was out of control, and hope was gone. When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. A new kind of despot takes over, and serfdom is back one more time again. Fear and terror are all that you can expect.
- 4. There was never a time or a place when all possessions were collectively owned. Karl Marx’s attitude toward human nature flows from Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
- 5. No Communist country has ever allowed free elections, a free press, and free assembly. All of their freedoms are tricked-up scams. All Great Depressions are ripe for a Fascist or Communist takeover.
- In a Communist Revolution, you will always get the opposite of what you sought. Fear will be ubiquitous, and terror is always present. Protests are a thing of the past. Your idealism will be gone in a flash. Your spirit will be broken. Your obedience to the bureaucrats must be steadfast if you want to survive. Your patriotism has been replaced with false cliches. Every socialist/communist revolution since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 has ended on the waters of oblivion. It amuses the intellectuals to see you struggling to survive. They are through with you once they have stripped everything you once had. Especially enjoyable to them is taking your dignity and your pride. They then move on to their next targeted victims. They are pawns in the Devil’s favorite game. Destroying the good in people is the Devil’s aim. You are in play on the Devil’s killing floor with every breath you take and every move you make. The Devil and his minions were driven from Heaven. A third of the Hosts were gone. They showed up here on Earth. They established a global killing floor. Ever since, 24/7/365, they have been seeking someone they can devour.
- Some of us will be selected to replace those who were cast out. God wants His hosts to get back to fully staffed status one more time again.
- To become a candidate to go on, two things are required:
- 1st: Pledge allegiance to the Event Originator of the good.
- 2nd: Fight for the good side.
- Survive the killing floor and take out as much evil as possible.