  • POEMS 5 AND 6
  • How does it feel to be walking around in the crowd, and your visibility can’t be easily found? You don’t look so proud anymore; your talk is not so loud anymore, and your strut is gone. The time that is in the past will never be reevaluated for you.
  • The understanding of reality depends upon your point of view. The future is a prediction, and now doesn’t last all that long. The arrow of time is asymmetric; it keeps you in the now. You may or may not be included when the next now shows up. So, as they say, be here now. Don’t dwell on old memories, something new always comes along. Give your current now the attention it deserves.
  • More than a few women and some men practice their tear-down game on you. Techniques vary, but the aim is the same. They win, you lose, and their purpose is valid. Their reasons are many, but the intended results are the same.