• Time and space are not fundamental; they are emergent in spacetime. Motion is also emergent.   If matter did not exist, neither would time. Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) is composed of voxels of Planck area connected by bridges with multiple units of Planck length. The bridges form a network with half-integer values. This network has loops, which define observables. Others say that all particles are on fields reposing in spacetime. They are not emergent or fundamental. Spacetime is the metric used to measure the effect of the gravitational field on the geometry of imaginary lines; they are emergent from this spin network. Quantum Space is perpetual and continuous but not infinite. Mass and energy are the fundamentals. We can stand still in space but not in time. The flow of time results from the creation of new time. Physics determines what happens and how it happens; why is a matter for Metaphysics. The metaphysics branch of philosophy deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
  • Black holes cool down and evaporate. Are beginnings necessary? What was the origination of energy? The inflation of the big bang was orderly. Black holes dominate entropy. How long does self-contained last? Time is the driver of expansion. Is time eternal? The sub-atomic world is the quantum playing field. Atoms are tiny solar systems. Electrons changing orbits are quantum leaping. The energy within an atom becomes quantized. Particles become waves as they pass through slits, causing an interference pattern. It is a probability wave going through a slit. You only see part of reality. Bell defined spooky with his spin comparisons. Binary codes of bits, bytes, and Qbits can multitask. These three are the operational quantum mechanics code. The Quantum Code eliminates blind alleys.
  • Susy operates on the Higgs Field. The Higgs boson field gives mass to all particles that have mass, such as electrons and protons. Supersymmetry is an extension of the Standard Model. It describes a partner particle for each particle in the Standard Model. These soon-to-be-discovered particles need to be incorporated into the Standard Model—ditto for the symmetry between fermions and bosons.
  • Size matters. The more mass in the Higgs boson, the stronger gravity is for all matter in the universe. Gravitational fields have spin two and are a part of space and time. Particles have their interactive playing field, interacting with all particles and fields in the universe. Ditto for the force fields. Energy gets squashed in by the top quarks. The universe strictly adheres to its pre-set rules and regulations. Playing by the rules isn’t optional. The Higgs field is the facilitator for particle and force interactions. Time is continuous and not discrete. The Quantum world’s spooky action at a distance involves two entangled particles or more that can instantaneously communicate, no matter the space apart. Electrons can exist in multiple places at the same time. Cause and effect are reversible.