• The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: Quantum mechanics can only answer questions regarding the outcome of possible experiments, the focus of Indeterminacy, and the direction of Indeterminacy.
    • There are no particles; there are only fields that produce particles.
  • In reality-based quantum mechanics, the outcome of a measurement is inherently random; it cannot be predicted with certainty. All we can calculate is the probability of the various possible effects. Repeatedly performing the same experiment shows that the chances we calculate match reality. An underlying set of hidden variables governs existence.
  • Reality quantum mechanics is inherently non-local. Quantum information is exchanged at speeds faster than the speed of light. Every rule has an exception or two; you just haven’t found them yet. Nothing happens in reality with absolute accuracy. There is probabilistic variation in all events. Nothing happens, in fact, with complete accuracy. There is probabilistic variation in all circumstances. In quantum mechanics, the outcome of an individual measurement is inherently random.
  • Reality is just a quantum wave function | Alyssa Ney » IAI TV
  • The quantum field and wave-particle duality.
  • Unity replaces the classical duality. The classical concepts of particles and fields are merged and are transcended into a quantized field. This unification returns the classical duality. Each quantum maintains its own identity and acts as a unit, no matter how spread out it may be. When an atom absorbs a unit, all of the energy is deposited into the atom,  as if it were a particle. There are 18  quantum fields. These fields cover the universe.
  • Any wavefunction is a complex linear combination of eigenstates. If you find a basis with complex functions, you can change the basis to have real-valued parts. When the wave function is collapsed, we cannot predict the location of the collapse.
  • To extract a particle from a field, you need to give the field energy. The field will go to a higher energy state if you give it enough power. These states are what we interpret as particles. Some fields require more energy than others to create a particle. Some fields need more energy than others to create a particle. The amount of energy is proportional to the mass of the associated particle. For example, a Higgs boson is much more massive than an electron. So electrons are very easy to create, but Higgs bosons are hard to develop.
  • Are quantum mechanics, classical physics and relativistic physics mutually incompatible? - Quora
  • Quantum field theory is the result of combining quantum mechanics with special relativity. It is the result of combining quantum mechanics with special relativity. Quantum field theory solves the problem of particle creation and destruction by making the field fundamental and viewing particles as field quanta. Interaction between fields can then create or destroy field quanta.
  • Quantum mechanics tells us how particles move around and identifies some of the particle interactions. Quantum fields have always been present everywhere in the universe. The universe is covered with these quantum fields. For example, the excited electron field generates excitement in the quantum electromagnetic field to produce light.
  • The term quantum probability refers to the probability of getting a specific result from an experiment in quantum mechanics. We cannot tell whether it will collapse to a zero or a one.
    • Quantum theory can be both probabilistic and random. There’s an inherent indeterminism to the quantum world that can’t be eliminated. Quantum randomness refers to the fact that measured results in quantum systems are random variables, which means the outcomes of multiple identical copies of an experiment can have different results. There is true randomness everywhere, and they are all based on quantum events. All randomness is quantum randomness.
    • We can see how quantum randomness gets mapped to statistical randomness and vice-versa.
    • If there are hidden variables in standard quantum physics, we haven’t found them yet. Quantum randomness is accurate and true until hidden variables are found. There is a high probability that many laws of physics are awaiting discovery. Remember, many mathematical concepts do not exist in the real world.
    • Both randomness and infinity are unfalsifiable. That should be a big red flag. Popper would be skeptical.
    • No one can distinguish between a lack of knowledge that makes things seem random (pseudo-randomness) and objective randomness.