•  We see reality from a limited point of view. Things are in a superposition until they are not. Wave patterns emanate from the fundamental blueprint level into the quantum level. The quantum level then issues the instructions to operate the classic status of physics.
  • Information is fundamental, and the Qubit is a quantum representation of a classical bit that uses the multilayered quantum level.
  • Information-theoretic ontologies are hierarchical structuring of knowledge about things by sub-categorizing them according to their essential or relevant qualities. An example of an ontology is when a physicist establishes different categories to divide existing things to understand them better and fit together in the broader world.
  • The prevailing view that mind and matter are one is a materialistic falsehood. Erroneous conclusions and wrong assessments underpin the scientific worldview.
  • Our mind has a lot of cognitive biases. The innate, ubiquitous irrational list is long. Outside manipulation abounds. False memories bubble up. Birds have a better intuition of probability than we have.
  • Quantum biology needs the earth’s magnetic field for a murid of things. For instance, birds and aquatic creatures need to school up and flock up, moving in unison. North-south poles do not guide them, and pole to the equator shows them. A built-in magnetic guidance system accomplishes it, and angles guide them.
  • The human mind’s role as a quantum observer and input manipulator can’t be fully understood. We have trapped consciousness in a stream of delusions, and consciousness can manipulate physical reality. An example of an ontology is when a physicist establishes different categories to divide existing things to understand them better and fit together in the broader world.
  • The deeper your mind probes into perceived reality, the more questions emerge. Our theories of reality are contingent and constructed. Most complex systems are open ones. There are three types of equilibrium: stable, unstable, and neutral. Complex systems usually are none of these three. The conscious mind thinks that it alone makes all the decisions. Discerning paradigm shifts from within rarely happen.
  • A stunning re-contextualization of our belief systems is at hand. The reductionistic and materialistic scientific worldview has run its course, and the ultimate nature of reality is beyond its grasp. We can’t successfully analyze the workings of the universe and life itself in a closed-form system. Your perception of the external world is an incomplete internal construct. Fictitious anomalies fill in for the incomprehensible and inaccessible missing parts of reality.